Beard Balm: Frequently Asked Questions

After months or even years of trying, you have finally grown the beard you have always wanted. Unfortunately, chances are you did not realize how much upkeep a beard requires. One of the best ways to keep a beard soft and manageable is to apply beard balm. Beard balm is available in a variety of scents and formulas and knowing how to apply and store your beard balm is critical to protect your product and keep your beard healthy. Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions you might have about beard balm.

What Exactly Is Beard Balm?

Beard balm is a leave-in conditioner, moisturizer, and stabilizer that helps keep your beard soft and manageable while keeping your beard in place. Typically, beard balms are made up of a set of specific ingredients, including carrier oil, beeswax, and some essential oils.

What Are the Benefits of Beard Balm?

In addition to keeping your beard moisturized, there are several other amazing benefits of beard balm, including:

  • Beard balm moisturizes the skin under your beard, which can prevent dryness and itching
  • Beard balm makes your beard look shinier and healthier
  • Beard balm helps maintain your beard's shape

Additionally, if you suffer from dandruff on your head, there is a chance you could have beard dandruff, as well. Beard balm helps keep your beard and the skin under your beard moisturized, which can prevent flaking and dandruff.

How Do I Apply Beard Balm?

Now that you have the right beard balm for your needs, it is time to correctly apply the product. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your beard balm:

  • Wash your beard with a moisturizing beard shampoo.
  • Rinse out the beard shampoo and dry your beard.
  • Apply a beard oil, if desired, according to the package directions.
  • Place a dab of beard balm on your palms and rub your palms together to make the product more malleable.
  • Work the beard balm into your beard, working from the skin under your beard to the ends of your beard.

Brush the beard balm through your beard with a beard brush or beard comb.

How Do I Store My Beard Balm?

Depending upon the product's ingredients, your beard balm should be effective for several months to a couple of years. Storing the product in a cool, dry place and making sure that it is kept in a jar or container with a tight-fitting lid is critical to prevent the beard balm from drying out.

Beard balm is an integral part of your beard care routine. Choosing the right product for you and applying your beard balm correctly will help ensure that your beard remains shiny and moisturized. To learn more information, reach out to companies such as Cottage Goods.
