Beard Shaving Tips For Those With Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin can be an annoyance, especially when it comes to shaving. It can feel like you have to choose between shaving your beard and having your skin be calm. You may wonder if it's even worth shaving if your beard is just replaced with redness, bumps, and irritation. Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do to shave more gently and keep your sensitive skin happy throughout the process. Give these things a try:

Use a shaving oil

Instead of using a shaving cream — which may contain irritating ingredients and does not always protect your skin as well as it should — use a shaving oil. Shaving oil more thoroughly coats your skin, giving it more protection against the razor. Look for one that's made specifically for sensitive skin. Or, if you can't find one labeled for sensitive skin, choose one with the simplest ingredients list possible. Some are basically coconut and jojoba oil; those work well for many people.

Use a new razor blade every time

Razor blades cause a lot less damage and irritation to your skin when they are new and sharp. So, while it may seem wasteful, it is to your benefit to use a new razor blade every time you shave your beard. This can get expensive with cartridge razors, but if you switch to a more basic style of razor, you will spend less.

Shave in the direction of hair growth

You may be used to shaving against the hair to get a really close shave. But you're actually better off shaving in the direction of hair growth. This will smooth the hair down and cause less irritation to the skin as you shave. The shave might not be quite as close, but you should have far fewer red bumps, which most people feel is a worthwhile compromise.

Finish with an aftershave

You may think aftershave is a relic from your grandparents' generation, but it serves an important purpose. It helps soothe the skin after shaving and prevent irritation. Look for an aftershave made specifically for sensitive skin and apply it after you shave. Make sure your skin is dry when you apply it so you don't dilute the product.

Sensitive skin can be tough to deal with when you shave, but the tips above should prove helpful. Remember to be patient. If your skin is already a little irritated, it might take a couple of shaves for these tips to make a huge difference. If you need help with bead shaving, contact a professional in your area. 
