Are You A Woman With Androgenic Alopecia? A Guide To Understanding How PRP Treatment Works To Stimulate Growth

Androgenic alopecia is often referred to as male pattern baldness. Yet, you know all-too-well that this condition is not only relegated to men. Living with alopecia as a woman can interfere with your self-esteem, and you may even feel the need to cover up your head so that other people do not notice your thinning hair. 

While hats and wigs can add to your appearance, there is also something exciting about the possibility of being able to stimulate new hair growth on your scalp. As you explore possible treatments for your condition, you can use this guide to understand how platelet rich plasma hair treatment works and what is involved when you receive the services.

How Plasma Can Stimulate Hair Growth

Platelet-rich plasma contains growth factors that stimulate functioning in the skin cells of your scalp. When the PRP hair treatment is performed, the plasma is injected into the skin on your scalp so that the growth factors begin to communicate with the cells that are responsible for new hair growth. Once the hair follicles are activated, they begin to function at a faster rate than they did before. Over time, you should see thicker, longer hair in the areas of your scalp that receive the treatment.

What Happens During a Treatment Session

PRP hair treatment services are performed using your own plasma. For this reason, your treatment session begins with a brief blood draw. Your blood is then placed into a centrifuge that separates the plasma from the red blood cells. Once the plasma is isolated, it is then injected into your scalp. In most cases, you will have multiple injections performed about a half inch apart throughout the areas of your scalp that have hair thinning. Most people find that these injections are not painful, but numbing cream or applications of cold packs can be used to keep you comfortable.

What to Expect After Receiving Services

There is very little downtime after receiving platelet-rich plasma hair treatment services. In some cases, you may have a small amount of bruising on your scalp that quickly goes away. You may also need to avoid certain hair care services such as coloring for a day or two after your treatment. After your initial treatment, you will need to continue with services about once a month for a period of time, but you should see some results within just two or three months.

The decision to take back control over your thinning hair is empowering. While PRP treatments do take time, your commitment to following the scheduled treatment program allows you to finally enjoy how you look in the mirror again.
